DSK is proud to present a brand new
Scent Work: Intro to Odor class
taught by Patty Schneiderjohn.
Monday evenings at 7 p.m.
First class meets on April 6.
Click here for more info.
Click here to register!
There will be no classes this Thursday, October 8th, and the entire building
will be closed
from Thursday through Sunday
for the Mound City obedience trial.
The building will reopen Sunday afternoon following the trial.

Dog Sports at Kim's
Bring Out the Best in Your Dog!
Welcome to the new!
...web home of Dog Sports at Kim’s, the premier place for competitive and family dog training in St. Louis, Mo., and Metro East/Southern Illinois.
At Dog Sports at Kim’s, we believe every dog can be a champion, and
every champion should be a well-behaved and well-mannered member
of the family.
DSK is filled with people who love dogs, and love to train their dogs. We invite you to take a cyberstroll through our website and see if you’d like to join our community – a place where we work and play with our dogs, always with a single goal in mind, teaching you to...
Bring out the best in your dog!
Click here for the latest bulletins!
Including schedule updates, new classes, weather postponements, upcoming trials, and all other DSK news...

"I love helping people learn to be
successful with their dogs,
passing on what I’ve learned..."

News You Can Use:

Check out these advanced agility classes from our newest instructor,
Geoff Nieder!
Introduction to the Premiere Elements
Sunday evenings at 6
International Frills, Thrills, and Drills
Sunday evenings at 7
These are drop-in classes with no preregistration required.
$25 per class*.
Click here to learn more!

*Email Geoff in advance to confirm your attendance, though, as class may not be held every week.
Our new and revised schedule includes a fresh slate of agility classes with Nancy Lauermann, Justin Sims, and Geoff Nieder.
A new session of obedience, agility, and rally classes with Kim Berkley
and Nancy Curtis starts
the week of July 17.
Click here to see the entire new schedule!
Click here to register for any class.
Human Agility 101
Good News! Continuing
Wednesday, July 5, at 5 and 6:30 pm,
Dog Sports at Kim's will offer its first-ever agility class for the human half of the team — Human Agility 101.
The classes are the same; just decide which time is right for you!
Cindy Simpson, Instructor
$75 for 6 weeks, or a $20 drop-in fee
Call DSK at 618-293-1750
or Kim at 314-277-0594 for more information!
Congratulations to Kim Berkley and AJ, who just received the prestigious 2016 Versatile Springer Award from the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association!
Check it out on the ESSFTA website!
(Click here and scroll down.)

The new class meets on
Thursday mornings at 9 a.m.
Next session starts Thursday, July 13.
Click here for more details!
Congratulations to Frankie and Ann Alves and Kim Berkley!
Frankie is the first CH OTCH MACH Irish Setter in AKC history!
Click here to read more about Frankie.

The new building is reserved on
Saturdays from
1 to 5 p.m. for
Justin Sims classes and private lessons.
The National Beagle Club agility trial will be held at DSK
on September 14-17!
The trial opens on Monday, July 10. Click here for more information!
Congrats to
Judi Cunningham, whose handsome Old English Sheepdog Bert earned his UD title in three trials last weekend! Click here to read more…

Congratulations to Kim Berkley, Marion Crain, and the sublime Rev for winning the
Janet Larson Award for most versatile dog for the second straight year at the 2016 Border Collie Nationals!
Rev also finished her MACH
during the National.
OTCH HC MACH Rapideye All Fired Up UDX5 OGM
Click here to read all about our DSK dogs' sensational showing at the 2016 AKC Obedience Classic and Agility Invitational in Orlando!

We need lots of new photos from you, our members! Send them, along with the names of the dogs in the photos, to
We'll see you in the pictures!

Check out the DSK YouTube channel. Click here!